Acts 15:16-17 "'I will return to you and raise up the tabernacle of David that has fallen into ruin. I will restore and rebuild what David experienced so that all of humanity will be able to encounter the Lord including the gentiles whom I have called to be my very own,’ says the Lord" (TPT).
Prayer Room Schedule
Our prayer room is open to the public from 8 AM to 12 PM, Monday through Thursday. The following are times we have live worship and prayer sets:
8-9 AM | Devotional
7-8 AM | Intercession for Uyghurs
8-9AM | Devotional
9-10 AM | Worship + Prayer
8-9 AM | Devotional
8-9 AM | Devotional
Follow @praydowntown on Instagram for updates
Similar to the 120-year Moravian prayer meeting, widely considered to have launched the modern missionary movement, we invite individuals and groups to participate with us to fill the day with worship and prayer. We see the hours in the day as an invitation to extravagance more than an expectation to fulfill.
Contact us for information about auditioning to play in the RESTore Prayer Room
Core Values:
WORSHIP/PRAYER: This is our central activity. We desire to have God be our “One thing”, our chief ambition and the center of our attention. We will worship/pray from a heavenly perspective, i.e., seated with Christ in the heavenlies (Ephesians 2: 6).
REST: we desire to allow the Lord to REST and for us to REST in our building/families/lives. We will reign through rest, not striving and driving. We will not focus on building a number of sets and hours of prayer/worship. We will keep records for history and tracking. We will avoid being driven to fill a specific number of hours by a certain time.
SIMPLICITY: We are not called to build a man-made structure, but to be stewards of HIS fire.
AGREEMENT: We desire to partner with each other, gathering with two or more to release the power of agreement with God’s heart and will.
UNITY: We desire to unite with the Church in our city, county, state, nation and the nations through our prayer and intercession.
FAMILY/COMMUNITY: The teams that served in David’s Tent were built from extended families. We, therefore, want to cultivate a sense of family and connected community with all of those involved in RESTore. It is in community that “iron sharpens iron” and we “stimulate one another to love and good deeds.” Walking in relationship with one another as a community and family, will help to keep our pursuit of God real. In order to make this experience authentic, our hearts must be after HIS heart and we must walk in HIS presence daily, apart from the BSC building. We must keep in mind that we are first living tents of HIS glory wherever we are.
INCREASED EVANGELISM: Acts 15 indicates that the restored Tent of David paves the way for humanity to encounter the Lord. Locally and globally, we will expect to see an increase in people encountering the Lord. The Greek phrase “so that” in Acts 15:17 is a marker of purpose. This phrase sets up Father’s purpose, “so that all of humanity will be able to encounter the Lord including the gentiles…”